Вакансия Chief Engineer
Флот: Offshore fleet
Тип судна: Survey vessel
Дата посадки: 2020-03-15
Продолжительность контракта: 2 месяца
Зарплата: 300 per day$
Информация о вакансии:
We are looking for a Chief Engineer for a small Non DP Survey Vessel to work Saudi location. Starting about middle of March at USD 300 per day (vessel to vessel) x 2 months tour. Criteria to satisfy ARAMCO is about 750 days served in rank of CE on Non DP PSV/AHTS/Survey or Seismic/Offshore.
Контактное лицо
Компания: Maritime Agency Limited Trade Development » Christopher Daryna magelan.08@ukr.net
Контактный телефон: +380509080248