Вакансия Ordinary Seaman
Флот: Tanker fleet
Тип судна: Crude oil tanker
Дата посадки: 2021-01-12
Продолжительность контракта: 6 месяцев
Зарплата: 1400$
DWT: 166 000
Информация о вакансии:
We are planning to takeover another Suezmax tanker in Batam on the first week of January 2021. We will be changing the full crew set, hence we will require suitable crew candidates as per the attached crew list. After the vessel completes the crew change and change of management, vessel will immediately proceed to Singapore for drydocking, tentatively by 8 Jan 2021.
Kindly revert with suitable candidates for our review. Wage scale as attached.
+380933480452 (TELEGRAM)
Контактное лицо
Компания: YFC Marine Богдан
Контактный телефон: +380933480452