Вакансии для моряков. Работа для моряков в море. Каталог крюинговых компаний и морских агентств Украины, России, Европы и Всего мира. Отзывы, Контакты, Работа, Вакансии для моряков. Рассылка апликашки CV application form
Dear Sirs/Madams, Please, kindly consider Application form of Chief officer Mr.Dmitrii Gorbachev that is attached. He can work in mixed crew. He is ready and glad to show his knowledge and pass any of your tests. > Level of English is very good. > He has years of experience and he is ready to discuss conditions of contract. > Valid USA visa. > Date of joining the vessel: ASAP.
Thank you very much for your time and interest to my resume. I will be pleasured to contact you at any time convenient for you. Tel: +79787391235